

Löfgren, I. (2020). Satellite Lifelines: Media, Art, Migration and the Crisis of Hospitality in Divided Cities. Theory on Demand Series #38. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures, 310 pp.
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Borelli, V., Dalmolin, A., Ferreira, J., Löfgren, I., Machado Silveira, A. C., Rosa, A. P. (eds.)(2025). Plataformas, Algoritmos e IA: Questões e hipóteses na perspectiva da midiatização. Santa Maria: FACOS-UFSM. Download PDF

Bolin, G., Ferreira, J., Löfgren, I. and Machado da Silveira, A. C. (eds.) (2025). Mediatizações Sul e Norte: Perspectivas empíricas e epistemológicas no Brasil e na Suécia. Porto Alegre: Sulina. Download PDF

Bolin, G., Ferreira, J., Löfgren, I. and Machado da Silveira, A. C. (eds.) (2024). Mediatisations North and South: Epistemological and Empirical Perspectives from Sweden and Brazil. Flemingsberg: Södertörn University Press. Download PDF

Caffagni, L., Löfgren, I, Martins, G., Sartoretto, P. (eds.)(2024). The Planalto Riots: Making and Unmaking a Failed Coup in Brazil. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures, 244 pp. Download PDF

Löfgren, I. and Gouvêa, P. (eds.) (2018). Mãe Preta | Black Mother. São Paulo: Frida Produções Culturais, 104 pp.
Download PDF here See

Ashton, M., Lang, P., Löfgren, I.(eds.) (2017). R-Lab – Architecture, Cities, Utopias. [Exhibition catalogue and Anthology]. Kungl konsthögskolan, 96 pp.
More about R-Lab here

Löfgren, I. and Hüttner, P. (eds.) (2015). Ö - A Möbius Trip. Norrköping: Vision Forum/Linköpings Universitet, 92 pp.
See the book here

Löfgren, I. and Gouvêa, P. (eds.) (2015). Banco de Tempo | Benches of Time. Rio de Janeiro: Moebius Produções Culturais, 96 pp.
See the book here

Löfgren, I. and Ward, V. (eds.) (2009). Ethnography and Design: A Report from the Field, Nepal. Lasalle College of the Arts, 96 pp.


Löfgren, I. (2025). "Para não dizer que não falei das nuvens: Imaginários sócio-técnicos da terra dos anjos tronchos e algumas considerações planetárias para a mediatização". In: Borelli, V., Dalmolin, A., Ferreira, J., Löfgren, I., Machado Silveira, A. C., Rosa, A. P. (eds.). Plataformas, Algoritmos e IA: Questões e hipóteses na perspectiva da midiatização. Santa Maria: FACOS-UFSM, pp. 97-126. Download PDF

Löfgren, I. (2024)."Strangers in the House: Hospitality, Internationalisation, and Mediatisation at a Crossroads". In: Bolin, G., Ferreira, J., Löfgren, I. and Machado da Silveira, A. C. (eds.) (2024). Mediatisations North and South: Epistemological and Empirical Perspectives from Sweden and Brazil. Flemingsberg: Södertörn University Press, pp. 229-251. Download PDF

Löfgren, I., and Goúvea, P. (2024). "Treading the Ground Sensibly: Reflections on deep memory and embodied artistic research in the Mãe Preta art project". In: Kaun, A. and Velkova, J. (eds.) Beyond Academic Publics: A Catalogue of Scholarly Collaborations with Cultural Institutions, Linköping University Press, pp. 129-140. Download PDF

Borelli V., and Löfgren I.(2024). "Around the World with the Truck Patriot: Memetization and the Circulation of Laughter in the 2022 Post-Election Period in Brazil". In: Caffagni, L., Löfgren, I, Martins, G., Sartoretto, P. (eds.)(2024) The Planalto Riots: The Making and Unmaking of a Failed Coup in Brazil. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures, pp. 35–57. Download PDF

Löfgren, I., Rosa, A.P., Sartoretto, P. (2023). "Das práticas à circulação de sentidos: Olhares sobre a midiatização do processo eleitoral na Suécia e no Brasil". In: Borelli, V., Neto, F., Weschenfelder, A. (orgs.), Midiatização, Pandemia e Eleições: Disputas e transformações nas discursividades contemporâneas. João Pessoa: EDUEPB, pp. 347–372.
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Löfgren, I. (2022). "Semiotics of Care and Violence: Memetization and Necropolitics during the Brazilian 2018 Elections and the action #MarielleMultiplica". In: Arkenbout, C and Sherz, L. (eds.) Critical Meme Reader 2: Memetic Tacticality. Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures, pp. 51–73. Download PDF

Löfgren, I. (2021). "Practicing a politics of artistic trans-care: Casa Chama and transvestigender rights in Brazil’" In: Sorce, G. (ed.)(2021). Global Perspectives on NGO Communications for Social Change, London: Routledge, pp. 179-196. Download PDF

Löfgren, I. (2020). "The Virus and the Cloud: Data Infrastructures and Climate Awareness in the Age of Social Distancing". In: Urey, D. and Hedlund, K. (eds.) Lyssna! - om klimat i gränslandet mellan kunskap och känslor. [Exhibition Catalogue]. Stockholm: Färgfabriken, pp. 23-26.
Learn more about the project here

Löfgren, I. and Gouvêa, P. (2018). Das dores invisíveis/On Invisible Pain.In: Löfgren, I. & Gouvêa, P. (eds.). Mãe Preta | Black Mother. São Paulo: Frida Produções Culturais, pp. 7- 12. Download PDF here

Löfgren, I., (2017). "The City of Lost Children", In: Ashton, M., Lang, P., Löfgren, I. (eds.), R-Lab – Architecture, Cities, Utopias. [Exhibition Catalogue]. Stockholm: Kungl. konsthögskolan , pp. 34-35.

Löfgren, I. (2017). "Who Listens When a Bosnian Mother Cries?", In: Lang, P. (ed.), The Baltikan/R-Lab: Divided Cities. [Exhibition Catalogue]. Stockholm: Kungl. konsthögskolan (Vol. 1). pp. 1, 3, 4, 8.

Löfgren, I., Burga, E. and Dusant, M. (2017). "Brev från Jordbro", In: Zamora, P., (ed.), Offentlig konst i Haninge: tre projekt där unga är med. Haninge Municipality, pp. 30-45.

Löfgren, I. (2013). "Arriving Naked: Migration as Creative Form', In: Germans, speak German!", [Exhibition Catalogue]. Mother Tongue, (ed.). Glasgow: CCA, pp. 24-32.


Löfgren, I. (2023). "What would a Swedish mine be without a party? On metals, minerals, and love during the “green” transition: Climate propaganda in The Swedish Mine advertising campaign". Nordic Journal of Media Studies, 5(1), 194–218. DOI: 10.2478/njms-2023-0011

Forsler, I., King, G., Löfgren, I., Saati, F., Seuferling, P. (2023) " – Learning Media Literacy With and From Media Activists". International Journal of Communication (17), pp. 901–919.

Löfgren, I., Horbyk, R., Prymachenko, Y. And Soriano, c. (2021). “Fake News as Meta-mimesis: Imitative Genres and Storytelling in the Philippines, Brazil, Russia and Ukraine”. Popular Inquiry: The Journal of the Aesthetics of Kitsch, Camp and Mass Culture, (Vol. 1), pp. 15-39

Löfgren, I. (2021). ‘"From Ecstasy to Melancholy: An epistolary journey recounting Flusser’s unrealized proposal for the Art & Communication nucleus in the 1973 XII Bienal de São Paulo’" Special Edition: Flusser and His Languages. Flusser Studies.

Löfgren, I., Burga, E. & Dusant, M., (2017). "Nuestras Madres: Forming Political Subjects en la mesa’" Architecture and Culture (Vol. 5 Issue 3), p. 53-56.


Löfgren, I. (2023). "Raving in the conference hall". Site Zones. 3 March.

Löfgren, I. (2022). "The 'cuir' turn: Resignifying mutual aid in the struggle against trans necropolitics". Eurozine, 1 June.  Download PDF here.

Löfgren, I. (2021). "Motstånd genom överlevnad". Ord & Bild Vol 3-4, pp. 56-72.

Löfgren, I. (2019). "Fragments of an Ongoing Nightmare, Written from an Autonomous Zone of Resistance in a State of Perplexity in Brazil". Paletten #316, pp. 20-29.

Löfgren, I. (2018). "On the #MarielleMultiplica Action in Brazil". Institute of Network Cultures Blog, 20 November.

Löfgren, I., (2016). "Permission to Remember: The Wonderful Harbor and the Tourism of Pain". Hjärnstorm 123-124, p. 91-102.

Löfgren, I., (2014). ‘"A Boom for Whom? Autonomous Spaces in Contemporary Brazilian Art in the Pre-World Cup Era". Supermarket Magazine (4), p.12-18.

Löfgren, I. (2011). "Collateral Damage: Cultural Politics in the Age of Cultural Depression (in English)" Paletten #285, pp. 4-13


Löfgren, I. (2019). The Arts and Traditions of Knowledge: Theory and Practice as a Process of “Revealing”. Unpublished.

Löfgren, I. (2019). Developing a Media Production Course from a Sustainability Perspective: 
Visual Narratives for the Future. Unpublished.

Löfgren, I. (2010). Philosophy and Desert Islands. Unpublished.

Löfgren, I. (2009). Islands, Origins, and Originalities or Making Worlds Aquatic: A Commentary on the 2009 Venice Biennale "Making Worlds". Unpublished.

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